Manuel Cosentino

Behind a Little House

Manuel Cosentino is an Italian artist working with photography. He is interested in the role of the individual and collective responsibility in contemporary society. He believes the function of art is to act as an agent of change. His work unfolds onto the retina of the mind to make it visible, one by one, the threads that connect us to one another. His series traverses physicals and imaginary boundaries to reconnect the public not only with but through art. Behind a Little House is a series of photographs that capture a small, nondescript structure from a distance, placing the building in the right corner of the frame. Consentino shows the house in different scenes, from blue, cloudy skies, to storms on the horizon. He speaks to the ever-changing drama of the natural world, explaining his hands on approach. "In my work I want to create a deep bond with the public, and I think that no amount of digital manipulation could have replaced the hundreds of hours I dedicated to working in the field."
