Antonia Luxem creates films, installations, paintings and writing that explore different realities and bodies, and transport viewers to new mental spaces. Their work stems from, and has been inspired by, subjects spanning human perception, dreams, existential anxiety and queer identity. A meditative and oneiric film, On Falling is a re-exploration of the Myth of Sisyphus that follows Z perpetually falling through a dark void. As we follow their fall, we float, drift in and out of dreamlike thoughts, meeting a child that incubates dreams, the moon – their lover –, and a witness to death and rebirth. The film resonates with Luxem’s previous works in its exploration of dream worlds and dream structures, the re-enactment of deep existential anxiety and the processing of violence, as they seek to re-imagine ways of being queer in the world. On Falling is a quest for mastering the loss of control, a search for lucidity and letting go, in order to survive violence and pain.